Posted: December 19 2012 in NewsA Little Slice of Evan

Candle Light adds a warm and cozy ambience to any room, especially at this festive time of the year.  Karen and Linda, the Queen Bees in the Village,  consider reallites a must-have during the holiday season. Voted the best gift for the home in 2011 in Retail News, these candles feature an incredible flame that flickers creating a realistic glow and the illusion of a true burning candle.  This drip free wax candle is great for families with children, pets or forgetful candle lovers.  When set, the smart-timer illuminates at the same time each day for 5 hours, automatically turning itself on and off….no dripping, no smoke, no burns, no mess, no heat, no worries.  Your eyes won’t believe it’s not real!!!  We carry 3 sizes in either cream or cranberry colour. Great inside and out!