Very often we have folk from around the country (even from other countries) come and visit our store just to say hi, and sometimes in search of ideas and know how and we are very happily show them around, and explain our approach to food. I find it good to network with these folk, and often we do reciprocal visits when it’s possible. A recent visit was from a pair of fellows from Clarenville, Newfoundland, who were in search of ideas to perk up their store. Through lunch they were explaining that they do a very successful weekly 50/50 draw amongst their customers in support of local charities, and it occurred to me that we, as well, could do that. With their help and blessing, we have set that project in motion through the appropriate regulatory channels, and very shortly we will begin. The charity of choice as you might imagine will be Markham Stouffville Hospital, and the cost per ticket will be a toonie. Be watching for the official start to this; I think that it will be fun!