Posted: December 30 2010 in The Village Grocer ProductsJams & Jellies

Oranges with Peels:
Ingredients:  Oranges with peels, unsweetened concentrated grape juice, natural fruit pectin, lemon juice.

Pear William:
Ingredients: Pears, unsweetened concentrated grape juice, natural fruit pectin, lemon juice.

Wild Blueberry:
Ingredients: Wild Blueberries (50%), unsweetened grape juice concentrate, gelling agent fruit pectin.

Black Cherry:
Ingredients: Black Cherries (50%), unsweetened grape juice concentrate, lemon juice, gelling agent fruit pectin.

Mirabelle Plum:
Ingredients: Mirabelle Plums (50%), unsweetened grape juice concentrate, gelling agent fruit pectin

Red Raspberry:
Ingredients: Red raspberry, unsweetened grape juice concentrate, natural fruit pectin

Thick Apricot:
Ingredients: Apricots (50%), unsweetened grape juice concentrate, lemon juice, gelling agent fruit pectin.

Deluxe Four Fruits:
Ingredients: Strawberries, red raspberries, black raspberries, cherries, unsweetened grape juice concentrate, natural fruit pectin, lemon juice

Black Currant:
Ingredients: Blackcurrants (50%), unsweetened grape fruit concentrate, gelling agent fruit pectin.

Ingredients: Strawberries (50%), unsweetened grape fruit concentrate, lemon juice, gelling agent fruit pectin.

Marinated Turkey Skewers with St Dalfour Cranberry/Blueberry flavoured mayonnaise
Iceberg and Grape Tomato Salad- Raspberry Fruit Spread
Steamed Raspberry Pudding- Raspberry Fruit Spread
Gourmet Pear Ice Cream- Pear William Spread
Strawberry Doughnuts- Strawberry Spread