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Hockey With Heart

The Unionville Men’s Hockey Club’s “Annual Christmas Food Drive” supports those in our community who need a helping hand each Christmas.  Over the past years, many of you have graciously left food items on your front doorsteps for pick-up by UMHC players, community volunteers, and Markham Fire Department members.  Those donations have supported two key organizations in our community: Hampers of Hope and the Markham Food Bank.

Sadly, this tradition cannot continue with the COVID situation so temporary changes are needed for the program this year.  As a result, Hockey With Heart has set up a “2020 Virtual Food Drive” where you can support this year’s campaign by donating online by clicking here.

With the fallout of the Covid virus still happening, more people than ever before are enduring increased hardship in our own community of Markham / Unionville.  Your thoughtful support will go a long way towards supporting many in our community during an especially difficult time.

Currently @ The Village Grocer

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